Frankreich, die Jugendlichen, die Randale und der Islamismus

Heute gleich zweimal ein paar vernünftige Worte von John Rosenthal zu Diskussionen, die so gerade keiner (mehr) führen mag, oder treibe ich mich bloß nicht mehr genug in den einschlägigen Foren rum? Wie auch immer, beim Transatlantic Intelligencer schreibt er über die Rolle des Islamismus für randalierende Jugendliche in Frankreich:

A teenager from the French banlieues yelling “Allahu Akbar” is no more proof that he is an Islamist than a teenager from Seattle wearing a Che t-shirt is proof that he is a Marxist-Leninist.

Gewissermaßen den Hintergrund dafür liefert sein Artikel The French Path to Jihad bei; ich habe sehr lange keine so erhellende Analyse von irgendetwas, das unter dem Begriff des Islamismus gefasst wird, mehr gelesen. Er kommt zu einigen wirklich bemerkenswerten Schlussfolgerungen:

As with the subjects of the Khosrokhavar interviews, Moussaoui’s relationship to France is “conflicted,” to say the least. Nonetheless, when, early on in the court proceedings against him and in an apparent gesture of multicultural sensitivity, Judge Leonie Brinkema advised Moussaoui that he would in her court have to abide by rules with which he might be unfamiliar from “his culture,” Moussaoui pointedly replied: “by the way, I’m born in France, educated — I have a masters degree in international business. I’m fully acquainted with western system of justice, okay?

[…] in comparison to the passionate and thickly detailed indictment that Khosrokhavar’s Islamist interlocutors draw up against France, their hostility toward the U.S. has an abstract, theoretical air to it. It is, in short, a matter of doctrine. […]

By contrast, the hatred of France that the interviewees express is clearly a heartfelt product of experience, an experience that has both a historical and a personal dimension.[…]

It is important to note that in the most psychologically informative accounts, the primary feeling is of “not being French.”[…]

One of the most fascinating and significant features of the Khosrokhavar interviews is that the mechanism of this transference of hate is clearly observable. Time and again, an inmate, having provided an inventory of the sources of his frustration in France, suddenly announces his intention to purge the full charge of his hatred in fighting against Israel and the United States.[…]

Could not, then, the entry of French Islamists into jihad — not against France, but against precisely America — be rather a last desperate attempt to prove their worthiness of the affections and respect of French society: to prove, in effect, that they, the Islamists, are the better Frenchmen?

Manches an dem Text halte ich für fragwürdig – z.B. die Annahme, die Erwähnung von französischen Rassismus habe ‘Alibicharakter’ -, aber er ist es wert, in ganzer Länge (er ist ganz schön lang) gelesen zu werden.

Ob ich mir allerdings wirklich wünsche, dass die üblichen Verdächtigen über ihn diskuttieren, nun ich bezweifle es.

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