Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

Die Welt:
Norweger, Däne und Franzose in unserem Land ist eine Zielscheibe“,
erklärten das Komitee für den Volkswiderstand und das „gemeinsame
Kommando“ der radikalen El-Aksa-Brigaden. Die drei Länder sollten ihre
Büros und Konsulate in den Palästinensergebieten schließen, „sonst
zögern wir nicht, sie zu zerstören“. Ein Sprecher des
Widerstandskomitees sagte, die Drohung sei ernstzunehmen. Sie werde auf
jedes Land ausgeweitet, das die umstrittenen Karikaturen in den Medien

BBC News:
Newspapers across Europe have reprinted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to show support for a Danish paper whose cartoons have sparked Muslim outrage.
Seven publications in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain all carried some of the drawings.

France Soir and Germany’s Die Welt were among the leading papers to reprint the cartoons, which first appeared in Denmark last September.

France Soir originally said it had published the images in full to show “religious dogma” had no place in a secular society.

But late on Wednesday its owner, Raymond Lakah, said he had removed managing editor Jacques Lefranc “as a powerful sign of respect for the intimate beliefs and convictions of every individual”.

In Germany, the vice-chairman of the central council of Muslims said Muslims would be deeply offended.

“It was done not to defend freedom of the press, but to spite the Muslims,” Mohammad Aman Hobohm said.

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