Es geht weiter, und weiter, und weiter

Es geht weiter und weiter und weiter…


“Denmark-based Arla Foods, which has been the target of a widespread boycott in the Middle East, reported that two of its employees in Saudi Arabia were beaten by angry customers. Aid groups, meanwhile, pulled workers out of Gaza, citing the threat of hostilities.

…Arla Food’s executive director urged the Danish government to take action.

“Freedom of expression is an internal Danish issue but this has a totally different dimension,” Peder Tuborgh said. “This is about Denmark having offended millions of Muslims.”

…The Danish Red Cross said it was evacuating two employees from Gaza and one from Yemen.

“There have been concrete threats against our employees. The fact that they are Danish nationals has made the difference,” Danish Red Cross spokesman Anders Ladekarl said.

…Arabs and Muslims also are calling for a boycott of Danish foods, including popular cream cheese, butter and cookie brands. Arla said the boycott of its products in the Middle East was almost total.

“Sales have come to a standstill in almost all markets,” said Jens Refslund, the foods production division manager.

…Saudi Arabia, which has recalled its ambassador to Denmark, was warned by the EU trade commissioner that the 25-nation bloc would take action with the
World Trade Organization if the kingdom supported a Danish boycott, the
European Commission said Monday.

…The Egyptian parliament’s Economic Committee refused to discuss a $72.5 million loan from Denmark to Egypt, with newspapers quoting lawmakers as saying they do not want to cooperate with a country that has insulted the prophet.

In Pakistan, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said the government is “engaged with the Danish government” over the cartoon publication.

She said Pakistan hopes the Danish government would “try to resolve this issue because you cannot hurt the sentiments of billions of Muslims in the name of freedom of press.””

So, das kann man also nicht bringen, man kann aber sehr wohl von einem Staat verlangen, dass er wegen zwölf Cartoons, die noch nichteinmal zu Gewalt aufrufen oder ähnliches, die in der Verfassung verankerte Pressefreiheit einschränkt. Na vielen Dank auch.

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