Oh yes.

Oh yes.

“I’ve always been quite a plain speaker and up for a good debate, without I hope any sense of aggression, but after so many years of university seminars, pub discussions, business meetings where I’ve managed to make people incredibly defensive and had to put-up with men and women telling me to “chill” or feeling they have to placate me, I had to learn to modify my behaviour. I am simply not allowed to talk with passion about anything; it makes people feel uncomfortable.”
meint Scribbles

“Back in 1995 when i used to sit around bulletin boards and irc channels, i used to use 2 nicknames – psychotic and neurotic. Everyone assumed by my username i was male and also by the things i said. apparently i was ‘aggressive’ – this was mentioned when it somehow came out that i was female. when i was thought to be a man – there was no such comment.”
meint Sonja

beide via pickled politics

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